TLM Schola Cantorum
Compline & Vespers
About the Breviary - read about the history of the Offices
Booklets for Monthly Complines:
September 27, 2024 at 8 pm​
Chant Music Resources and Websites
Cantica Nova - various music resources and TLM ordo
Corpus Christi Watershed - articles, music and various resources **
Musica Sacra (CMAA) - articles, music and resources **
Sacred Music Library - Sheet Music & Books - music purchases and free downloads​
Schola Gregoriana Malverniensis - music and various resources
** indicates essential sites with many resources
Chant Hymnals: Standard and Rare Collections
Parish Book of Chants 2nd Edition
Liber Usualis 1962 (large file!)
Rubrics for the 1962 Liber Usualis
St. Jean de Lalande Library (link to PDFs of rare sacred music) **
Pedagogical Sites and Materials
An Applied Course in Gregorian Chant (book)
Basic Gregorian Chant and Sight Reading - Sr. Mary Demetria (book)
Chant Notation (Neums) Chart (site)
How to Read and Sing Gregorian Chant (site)
Propers Sung in Solfeggio - Nicholas Lemme (site)
Sacred Music Symposium 2022 Booklet (book)
<<Chant Recording Sources & Radio Stations>>
Hymn Chants - popular chants & other resources
Gregorian Chants - Classical Radio - streaming chants
<<Sacred Polyphony Radio Stations >>
Sacred Music FM - streaming sacred polyphony
Sacred Works - Classical Radio - streaming sacred choral - various eras
More Sites for The Traditional Latin Mass and Traditional Worship
The Joy of Tradition - resources from the Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, Chattanooga **​
G.K. Chesterton Society - articles and resources related to G.K. Chesterton (subscription)
Latin Mass Magazine - various articles and resources (subscription)
Latin Mass Society of England & Wales - various resources
One Peter 5 - articles and various resources
Restoring the Sacred - The Story of St. John Cantius, Chicago - video
** indicates essential sites with many resources